Are you trying to improve politics? Or trying to pass legislation that effects it? Partner with
There are many individual efforts to get bills pass that most Americans want. Sure, one or both parties oppose them, but not all of their members oppose them, and there are more unaffiliated voters than there are in either party.
Please work with Rand Strauss, at You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.
He has a plan for organizing all Americans to actually hold Congress accountable for carrying out the will of the people. He's a nerd, though- one of these brilliant Asperger types. So he has the website designed- how it'll work, how it'll be rewarding for people, but he has no real following at this point, so no support.
You don't need to give him money- he just needs a following.
The way it'll work is pretty simple, but it takes time to understand because we all think we know how politics works. We do, but only approximately. We know mostly how it's currently working.
He has found an underlying weakness in democracy that makes it unreliable. Everything we know is almost right, just a little bit off. The parties and the wealthy have inserted themselves into this gap and over time, leveraging technology, have made politics worse and worse. The website he has designed will create the missing communication that fixes this weakness. He needs some followers to finish building it.
In the meantime, there are lots of things that need to be fixed in politics- voting (should be easy by mail, should be a holiday, should be automatic voting registration), gerrymandering, term-limits (most people want them, and it could be done flexibly), voting method (approval or instant-runoff), primaries, and much more.
Talk to him. He can even tell you how it'll significantly diminish the power of money in politics.
John Tigh